What to do with longish hair?

For a very long time I had long hair and then in 2001 I decided to give it the chop. For me, short hair hit just below my shoulders and that's about where my hair stayed through most of my 20's. There were a few occasions where I cut it even shorter, dyed it and even had it chemically straightened (stupid, I know). I'm on the verge of turning 30-years-old and am longing for the hair I once had 15 years ago! My hair is in a state of limbo while I wait for it to grow out.

The sun has been highlighting a lot of things lately, a concealer match gone wrong and spider plant-like split ends. I get my hair trimmed fairly regularly, but I fear daily hot styling and hair washing has taken it's toll on my naturally wavy/frizzy hair. So, I've decided to cut back on the frequency in which I wash my hair and style it in ways I've never imagined.

Those lovely girls over at the Beauty Department have given me an idea or two. However, with a bit more googling around for longer hairstyles, I happened upon AskSash88 via Youtube and fell in love with all of the random permutations she successfully attempted.

[jwplayer mediaid="3230"]

If you want to try something like this, make sure your hair is slightly dirty (day old hair) and have the following items at the ready:

  • A comb or brush
  • Dry shampoo to help sop up excess oil at your roots before styling
  • One clear hair elastic
  • A clip, if necessary
  • At least four bobby pins; this amount will vary based on the length and thickness of your hair
  • Hairspray to set your style

All told, it took me approximately ten minutes to do my hair and trust me when I tell you I'm not the best at braiding and such.

What do you think? Are you feeling brave enough to give this look a go?